We are the UNcommon. sloganGive to VCU

Coastal Christian High School College Fair

Monday, April 29, 2024 at 3:30 PM until 5:00 PMEastern Daylight Time UTC -04:00

Coastal Christian High School
1150 The Kings Hwy
Wilmington, NC 28409
United States

Birthdate *
Birthdate *
Address (Optional)
Address (Optional)
Race/ethnic origin (Optional)
Colleges and universities are asked by the federal government, accrediting associations, college guides, newspapers and our own college/university communities to describe the racial/ethnic backgrounds of our students.  In order to respond to these requests, we ask you to answer the following two questions:
How would you describe your race based on the following categories? Please select one or more to describe yourself. (Optional)
How would you describe your race based on the following categories? Please select one or more to describe yourself. (Optional)